Product Specs Grid

Indicated Use:Contamination frisking, sample counting and surveying.Detecting and locating radioactive materials.Measurement of low level gamma radiation. Source finding.Contamination frisking, sample counting and surveying difficult to reach areas.
Radiation Detected:Alpha, beta, gammaGammaGammaAlpha, beta, gamma
Detector:Plastic scintillator and silicon photomultiplier0.75 cm3 CsI(Tl) scintillator and silicon photomultiplier19.4 cm3 Csl(TI) scintillator and silicon photomultiplierPancake-type GM tube (LND 7312)
Price: (USD)Sold through retailers$350.00$800.00$600.00
Measurement Units:
User selectable: µSv, mRem or counts.
Window:4.7 cm2 active area alpha, 5.5 cm2 beta/gamma, aluminized mylar protected by aluminum screenprotected by aluminum screenN/AN/A15.51 cm2 active area. 2.0 mg/cm2 mica
protected by aluminum screen on ABS hex. 63% open
Gamma Sensitivity: 260 CPM/μSv/h (Cs-137)1,100 CPM/μSv/h (Cs-137)33,000 CPM/μSv/h (Cs-137)348 CPM/μSv/h (Cs-137)
Measurement Range (Dose Rate):0 to 10 Sv/h, 1000 Rad/h, 4,000,000 CPM0 to 2,500 µSv/h, 0.25 Rem/h, 3,000,000 CPM0 to 50 µSv/h, 5 mRem/h, 1,500,000 CPM0 to 2,500 µSv/h, 0.25 Rem/h, 1,000,000 CPM
Resolving Time:15 microseconds15 microseconds30 microseconds120 microseconds
Response Time:
User selectable from 1 to 30s or Auto.
Local Display:
2.2 x 1.2 cm OLED
Local Controls:
One push button – short press (<2s) to toggle screens; long press (>2s) to enter/exit Sleep mode.
Wireless Communication:
Bluetooth Low Energy connection to GammaGuard.
Batteries:2 standard AAA batteries2 standard AAA batteries2 standard AA batteries2 standard AA batteries
Operating Time:300 hours connected to GammaGuard, 130 hours if using local display.300 hours connected to GammaGuard, 130 hours if using local display.1,000 hours connected to GammaGuard, 300 hours if using local display.1,000 hours connected to GammaGuard, 300 hours if using local display.
Size:5.5 × 9.5 × 2 cm35 × 9 × 1.5 cm310.5 × 5 × 5 cm310.5 × 5 × 3.5 cm3
Weight:75 g (including batteries)65 g (including batteries)230 g (including batteries)245 g (including batteries)